Category: Food

Will McDonald’s follow United Airlines?

One of the nation’s biggest airlines recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Now I read this headline from Investor’s Business Daily: McDonald’s Expects Its First-Ever Loss As Chain Retrenches Amid Weak Sales. Another sign of the weak economy? Hardly. Maybe McDonald’s is losing money because they’re not vegetarian-friendly. I completely stopped giving Mickey D’s […]

Pastrami on Rye

After a pretty awful day of working in the garden, we went to Pico Kosher Deli for dinner and I ate a big pastrami sandwich. It was incredible. I’m still in a bad mood, but my stomach is full. I spent many years being an almost-vegetarian (I never gave up eating fish) but about a […]

Cooking Latkes and Listening to Falco

I’m in the kitchen cooking some Latkes for the first night of Chanukah. I think we should rename it the “Festival of Grease.” While I’m cooking, I’m listening to Falco: the Remix Hit Collection. It’s not his best album, but it’s got an awesome beat (maybe I’ve still got Blue Man Group on the brain). […]

Being a Vegetarian on Thanksgiving

Ok, so I know it goes completely against American tradition, but I’m going to be eschewing turkey for dinner tomorrow night. As we discovered last year at Thanksgiving, there are actually two mass-market turkey substitutes: Tofurky and UnTurkey. Last year Cousin Diana bought both, but there will be a smaller number of vegetarians this year, […]

Thanksgiving and Chanukah back-to-back

I’m quoted in today’s issue of Newsday in an article entitled Twice As Much Stuffing: Hearty appetites will be thankful for back-to-back holiday feasts. The story, written by Erica Marcus, is entertaining and well-researched. She even spoke to my favorite Jewish Holidays expert: Rabbi Michael Strassfeld (author of The Jewish Holidays: A Guide & Commentary). […]

Vegan Caesar Salad

We have been making our favorite Vegan Caesar Salad Dressing recipe quite a bit this summer. from Vegetarian Resource Center – – Boston, USA You didn’t say that it had to be low calorie; this is the dressing for a “Vegan Caesar Salad” (It is supposed to go on romaine lettuce, with croutons) 2 […]