Category: Yahoo!


If you’re a Unix geek, you know about /usr/games/fortune. If you know much about Yahoo!, you know that we like to name our software things that start with “y”. For example, my Making the Case for PHP at Yahoo! talk mentions our legacy yScript language. Today, a rather clever co-worker of mine suggested a list […]

BusinessWeek on Yahoo!

The cover story of the June 2, 2003 edition of BusinessWeek is entitled Yahoo! Act Two. As an insider, the article seems pretty accurate to me. It does a pretty good job explaining what’s changed about the corporate culture since Semel came on board. Our stock price is up almost 70% since the day he […]

Dump the Junk Day

Today is Yahoo! Mail Dump the Junk Day in the United Kingdom. If you’ve got a friend or colleague who bombards you with joke emails and “wacky” attachments, nominate them for the The Dump the Junk Award. Apparently, you’ve gotta be a Brit to enter the contest.

Ask Yahoo! RSS release

Ask Yahoo!, a daily column that features Q&A with Yahoo!’s expert team of Surfers, is officially syndicating its content via RSS. As reported here back in April, RSS support for Ask Yahoo! had previously been available as a Beta release only. This week, Ask Yahoo! marks five wonderful, question-filled years. To celebrate this momentous occasion, […]