Reading List for 2003

The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, Anniversary Edition I finally finished reading Fred Brooks’ The Mythical Man-Month this past week as I was recovering from a nasty chest cold. Even though the book is now 25 years old, it’s still got some fantastic insight on why software projects are perennially late, over budget, and full of bugs.

Still on my software engineering kick, I picked up my copy of Free as in Freedom (which was included in my registration tote bag at the July 2002 O’Reilly Open Source Convention). I’m about halfway through it, and I’m even more convinced than before that RMS is considered harmful. (Apologies to Edsger Dijkstra.) I’m enjoying the book nonetheless; Sam Williams writes well, and the story is fascinating nonetheless.

So since it’s a New Year, I may as well publish my (optimistic) reading list for the upcoming twelve months:

Looking at that list, it seems to be mostly comprised of Computer Science, Judaism, and science fiction. Ariella says that compared to most people, I read way more non-fiction than fiction. I guess she’s right. I wonder what that says about me?

2 thoughts on “Reading List for 2003

  1. Jeremy Zawodny

    Fast Food Nation is quite good. Gen X is quite entertaining.

    ESR’s stuff gets old after a while. But if you haven’t read much if it, maybe you won’t have noticed yet. 🙂

  2. Michael J. Radwin

    > Fast Food Nation is quite good. Gen X is quite entertaining.

    I actually started reading “Generation X” over a year ago, but didn’t really get into it, so I put it down. I’m trying to pick it back up again this year. I really liked “Microserfs” (which is how I found out about Coupland). “Miss Wyoming” was superb, and “Girlfriend in a Coma” was totally weird.

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